As advertised by the Herald :, our charity night managed to raise £147. We raised £97 from a raffle, and a further £50 from donations at the end of the night.
A little disappointed by the turn-out, but I guess it was our first event of this kind so we can only learn from this and move on.
We didn't auction the Brian Pollard artwork. We felt that we could make more through other routes or a future event. We will discuss with Brian and let you know.
The music was superb. CONTRAST provided a range of 60s/70s hits - this band would make an excellent choice for party / wedding bookings. Let me know if you would like further details and I will put you in touch.
Josie Newton - this girl has got talent. Forget about "Britain's Got Talent". Plymouth's got talent! Check out her songs on Josie is featuring on BBC Radio Devon on Wednesday morning ~7.30a.m.
We can start planning our next events in more detail now. We are looking for an acoustic concert in March featuring some of Plymouth's finest talent.
Keep spreading the word, and checking out this log for details of future events.
Many thanks