Our aim:
E-mail : admin@pl-ease.org.uk
Thursday, 24 December 2009
Sunday, 20 December 2009
Charity CD available
Sunday, 13 December 2009
What a load of santas!
Thank you all - all the runners, supporters, Saltram Park and Plymouth Coasters Running Club.
Everybody seemed to enjoy the run - great weather, great course and great fun!
The running club presented us with a cheque for....£1267-25. Staggering. Thank you all!
We also managed to collect another £45-35 on the day, bringing the total to £1312-60.
This takes us a step closer to meeting the requirements to become registered with the Charities Commission. This will enable us to get a Gift Aid number, and set up on-line accounts through organisations such as Justgiving. We also think we are now in a position where we can start to use the funds to help local children with complex needs. Keep an eye out in the local press and by following us on this blog.
The next twelve months look very encouraging.
Good luck to the Plymouth Coasters for the future success of this event, and for their chosen charity for 2010.
Many thanks - and Happy Christmas - to you all!
Saturday, 12 December 2009
Santa at the ready!
Run starts at 11:00. 300 santas will be running through the park - getting a bit of exercise before helping to load the presents in two weeks time.
The run has been organised by Plymouth Coasters Running Club, and they have chosen PL-ease as their charity for 2009.
See http://www.plymouthcoasters.co.uk for more details of the club.
Many thanks
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
First orders
The CD is now being advertised via the iHerald website / discussion list. A batch of E-mails have gone out to my contacts. We also hope to get a mention on BBC Radio Devon. Discussions with the producer tomorrow...
Keep listening!
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Charity CD - now available!
Priced at £6, the CD features 15 tracks from local artists including:
Jenny Keegan
Karen Money
Chris Woods
The Vics
Auction for the Promise Club
Sounds Like A Plan
Kat Marsh
Josie Newton
To order, send an e-mail to us at admin@pl-ease.org.uk and we will provide you with further details.
Monday, 19 October 2009
Santa Run
One of their events is the famous Santa Run. This will be taking place on Sunday, 13th December at Saltram Park in Plymouth. 5km over country park and traffic free roads. £10 covers entry fee and a compulsory Santa suit.
Please help make the event a huge success by running or turning out to support. Entry forms can be obtained from: The Race Secretary (Santa Run), c/o Mainstone, Honcray, Plymstock, Plymouth PL9 7RP.
All runners must be 13 years or older.
Many thanks
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Charity CD
Artists include Katie Marie, Chris Woods, Karen Money, The Vics, Jenny Keegan.
All proceeds from the sale of the CD will go to PL-ease. Keep your ears peeled for announcements regarding the sale of this wonderful (dare I say Christmas?) gift.
Have a good week.
Friday, 25 September 2009
Music to my ears
Looking forward to our next charity fundraising effort. The plan is to get a number of our most talented local musicians to provide one or two songs to go onto a CD. The compilation will then be sold with all profits going to PL-ease. Positive response received so far from Jenny Keegan, Karen Money and Chris Woods. Thank you all.
Watch this space...
Sunday, 6 September 2009
Absolutely Wow!
Many thanks to our team of intrepid treetoppers - and very many thanks to the excellent guidance from the Rock Centre. What an excellent way to spend a Sunday morning!
The treetop adventure involved walking across a series of walkways between platforms up in the trees. The first walk was on wooden decking (2 planks wide). The next went to one plank wide, and the next went to stepping between planks suspended from rope. The final walkway was along a single rope, with rope rails to hold on to. The last couple involved a lot of swaying..and thought of how high we were and how far there was to go!
The zip slides were fantastic. As with other things like this - the first step is the worst. The feeling of whizzing through the trees then takes over. Very exhilarating.
Anyway, many thanks to everyone involved - and time for the sponsors to pay up. Every penny was well earned!
Friday, 24 July 2009
Treetop Adventure
Monday, 11 May 2009
Charity abseil
The abseil will take place at the Chudleigh Rock Centre at 2pm. All training and equipment will be provided. All proceeds will go to our charity - this will help towards our object of providing specialist support and equipment. It will also help our aim of becoming registered with the Charity Commission - we need to show that our income will exceed £5k this year.
If you are interested in abseiling for our charity, please let me know by e-mailing admin@pl-ease.org.uk. It is an excellent place to learn - they have practice slopes, and full professional training.
Many thanks
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Plymouth history
Full marks to the organiser for keeping the site running and updated.
Sunday, 12 April 2009
The concert just about made a profit, but we are hoping to put together another concert in the future. Many lessons were learned through this experience - we probably started too early and lost a bit of momentum towards the end. We also agreed to "tickets on the door" - perhaps we should have pushed harded for the sale at the time. And...many who said they would attend simply did not show.
I think we also took too much on, with one or two people trying to juggle too many things. We will look to get more support for the next event - perhaps trying to get other charities involved, having a more prolonged marketing campaign, and looking to others with more experience of these kind of things.
Looking forward to the challenge!
Finally, we are now twitter-ing! We have signed up to Twitter. (See below). Not sure how useful this will be - but time will tell.
Hope you are all enjoying Easter. Let us know if there are events we should try, or if you want to help arrange future events.
Monday, 23 March 2009
Charity concert

Sunday, 15 March 2009
Thank you.
Also, thanks to the Plymouth Coasters for listening to my presentation a fortnight ago, and for raising some useful questions about the charity. The Coasters have chosen PL-ease as their charity of the year for 2009. If anyone else would like a presentation on the Objects and fundraising activities of PL-ease, just drop me an e-mail : admin@pl-ease.org.uk.
Spent the last few weeks finishing off a pretty demanding 10,000 word assignment for a management course. The course has provided me with an insight into some useful techniques in terms of supply chain management, marketing, change management etc. Looking forward to putting these to good use for the charity!
Now that is out of the way, more effort will be put towards publicising the charity and future events. Tickets for the concert are going pretty slowly, but there will be a blitz on e-mails, flyers etc this week and next. Don't forget to buy some tickets - the concert features five very talented local musicians. All are giving their time for free. The only expenses are the hire of the Playhouse. It will be a great opportunity to hear some fantastic live music, and to learn a bit more about the charity.
See you there?!
Monday, 16 February 2009
Bucket collection
This is a useful way of fundraising - costs nothing other than time, and allows the opportunity to give more details of the charity to members of the public. Most probably haven't heard of us, or are aware that we exist, so it is always useful to get the opportunity to spread the word. Never know what the next donation, or donor, will bring.
We will have concert tickets with us, so hopefully can sell a few more of those at the same time.
Offers of help for the bucket collection gratefully received!
Take care,
Saturday, 24 January 2009
Tickets on sale

You can purchase tickets by post or phone. E-mail us for details at admin@pl-ease.org.uk.
Examples of Katie Marie's songs and style can be found at http://www.myspace.com/funkeegirl
Monday, 12 January 2009
Back to work blues
Back to work for a week, and everything seems to be going okay. Voluntary redundancy is on the cards for those who applied, but the rest of us seem secure at the moment. Work is busy - no budget cuts in our area, and more work coming in.
Went into Plymouth City Centre on Saturday morning and realised the same cannot be true for everyone. So many shops now being boarded up - the recession / credit crunch seems to be hitting. I hope that this will be short-lived. It seems that people get divided into two widely spaced camps at times like these. Those who are cutting back and making savings just to make ends meet, and those who are fully employed in (fairly) secure employment who are making the most of the sales and special offers being made by those stores who are trying to survive.
Will there be any casualties among charities in times like this?
Here's hoping that 2009 brings an end to the economic downturn.
Sunday, 4 January 2009
Welcome 2009
We reached the £1000 mark in fundraising at the end of 2008, and are now looking to put this to good use. We also have a number of fundraising events lined up for 2009, and are looking forward to working again with some of the people who helped us in 2008.
So, our aims for 2009:
- to show the Charities Commission that we believe our income for 2009 will exceed £5000
- to become registered with the Charities Commission
- to spread the word about our charity as far and wide as possible
- to organise a wide range of creative fundraising activities
- to recruit a few more trustees
- to recruit volunteers for fundraising events
Please spread the word, and get as many people supporting us along the way.
Let's make 2009 a truly great year!